Monday, November 26, 2012

The Milwaukee Road.

I love vintage ads.  I remember as a child being thoroughly entertained by just sitting and looking through old magazines.  I especially loved the rich colors and artwork of the ads.  Now that I am older I enjoy the the ads that are specific to the 1940's and the history of those that portray WWII, such as the ad above.  Before  finding this Ad, I had never heard of the Milwaukee Road.  The Milwaukee Road was the class 1 rail line of Chicago, Milwaukee, St. Paul and Pacific Railroad that operated until 1980.  This ad has everything that I love to see Americana, Railroad stuff and good art work with wonderful information and Uncle Sam in a top hat, all from the 1940's.  One of the great things about collecting ads like this is what you will find.  I found a wonderful web site dedicated to the Milwaukee road called Milwaukee Road Historical Association.  It is a well put together site that offers links and a company store.   

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